Your filter will not be able to pick it up so that will require you to perform more frequent water changes.Īre you keeping other fish with the discus? if so what kind are they? How big will they grow? If you use gravel uneaten food and fish waste can get trapped between the pebbles. What kind of substrate will you have at the bottom of your tank? There are many options to choose from such as gravel, sand, or even nothing at all just a bare bottom. Therefore you must make sure that you have sufficient filtration. The more fish you add the more waste that will be produced. Keep in mind that every fish produces waste.

How much filtration do you have? As you know these fish require very clean water conditions. Remember that they take up space therefore reducing the total water volume. However make sure you take into consideration the amount of plants and decorations you have in your tank. What size is your tank? Obviously the bigger the tank the more fish you can keep. My personal opinion is that 10 fish in a 100 gallon tank will make the tank look empty unless you plan on having a lot of plants and decorations. I have been keeping discus for well over 25 years and have never followed this rule.

#Discus fish size full size#
Therefore if you follow that rule you can only keep 10 full size discus in a 100 gallon tank. The rule of thumb for how many discus you can keep together doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone but is 1 discus for every 10 gallons of water. In this article I will explain all the different factors involved to help you decide how many discus is best for your aquarium. There are many factors to consider before being able to answer the question. If you search online you will see many conflicting responses. How many discus you can safely keep together is a very common question I receive from many discus keepers.